- Département d'Informatique -
Master Informatique de Paris-Saclay
Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay

Version françaises


The master mention informatique of the Université Paris-Saclay Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay aims to give to the students a deep understanding the theoretical fondations, the methods and the technologies of computer science. It offers a large spectrum of course (UE for Unités d’Enseignements) including domains of artificial intelligence, data science, network and optimization, parallel and distributed programming, human computer interaction and theoretical computer science.

The idea is to allows the student to specialize through a track (parcours in french) but also to expands their fields of competence by tacking free courses from the other tracks.


The Computer Science major (Orsay faculty of Science) provides students with the necessary skills to pursue a career in the field of computer science either in industry or in research. Indeed, the Master's programmes has been designed so that the students' choices (depending on the course, the free "UEs" (Teaching Units), the "TER Travail d'Étude et de Recherche" (Study and Research Work), the end-of-studies internship chosen) are oriented towards a research or industrial path.

Students learn the algorithms, theories and methodologies of the theme they have identified. Through the free UEs (Teaching Units), they can also improve their skills in other areas than the major course.


The master mention informatique (faculté des sciences d'Orsay) offers 6 tracks in 2 years (M1 et M2) including one track shared with ENS Paris Saclay. Some tracks are available in several ways (classical of in apprenticeship, English or French).

The 6 tracks are:

Job opportunities, careers and further studies

This Master's degree allows students to integrate effectively into the industrial world and to adapt to new technologies and development environments with all the skills for the development of innovative software and interactive applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Networks, Data and Human-Computer Interface.

It opens up opportunities for public or private careers in research and innovation. Students wishing to pursue a PhD will have the possibility to carry out their PhD in a research laboratory or in R&D/R&I in industrial research centres.

Our training has strong links with the industrial base, particularly on the plateau of Saclay, and our former students have held positions in the following industries: Orange, EDF, Thalès, Renault, Air France, Société Générale, RATP, SNCF, Eurodecision, ARTELYS, HP, IBM Research, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, companies and startups developing innovative technologies and software, service companies (SSII, R&D, ESN) in various sectors, including the banking sector.

How to apply ?

Application should be sent only online on this site.

Application for classical tracks are open from Mai 1 to June 30.

If you can't find the selection sheet, here it is in doc or in pdf.

Practical informations

Welcome meeting presentation supports


Head of the master computer science UFR Orsay: Florent Hivert

Web page of LRI